The Common Room team
Activity Reporting

Discover the topics your members are talking about

AUTHOR: The Common Room team

Common Room now uses AI-powered natural language processing to group community activity into different topics, so you can easily see what your members are talking about and how they’re feeling. Topics (now in Beta) synthesize what’s happening in your community into a digestible format, which means you can quickly and accurately understand what matters most to your community. Using insights from the topic trends, sentiment, and explorer reports, you can inform and influence broader initiatives, like product development, event planning, and content creation. 

Combined with Common Room’s existing intelligent filters like categories, tags, and timeframe, you can use topics to see how your community’s opinions change over time, address product support questions and requests, and filter activity based on what's most important to you, like a specific product, feature, or events.

Topics will be reserved for customers on our paid plans, but while in Beta, all users can access and test it out.

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