The Common Room team

New integrations: YouTube, inSided, and StackOverflow

AUTHOR: The Common Room team

Building community on YouTube, StackOverflow, or inSided? Connect these sources to bring in even more context around the people and content most important to your community.

Here are just a few examples of how some of our customers are using these new integrations:

  • YouTube: Pipe in data around channels, videos, and people engaging with your community on YouTube to identify new community-generated content, topics that are top of mind, and much more.

  • StackOverflow: Have a thriving developer community? This one’s for you. Connect StackOverflow to view top questions to understand where your community needs more support, or recognize members for their contributions.

  • inSided: Pull in key information from inSided — like member, topic, and discussion activity — to keep a pulse on trending topics over time.

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